Uncategorized - Gillian Kemp - London Psychic & Best Selling Author I am listed on the Internet as one of The Top Ten Psychics in the World. As an internationally acclaimed best-selling author and clairvoyant, I am able to prophesize the future using astrology, tarot cards, playing cards, crystal balls, palmistry, tea-leaves, flowers and dreams. As a medium, I may also receive messages from friends and relatives who have passed on. Mon, 27 Jan 2025 10:57:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/www.gilliankemp.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/favicon-GK.webp?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Uncategorized - Gillian Kemp - London Psychic & Best Selling Author 32 32 214952405 Valentines Day 2025 https://www.gilliankemp.com/elementor-2284/ https://www.gilliankemp.com/elementor-2284/#respond Sun, 19 Jan 2025 23:31:32 +0000 https://www.gilliankemp.com/?p=2284 Valentines Day – Friday February 14th 2025 Valentine’s Day February 14th has cruel pagan origins associated with the Roman springtime fertility festival called Lupercalia, worshiping Faunus, the god of agriculture, but also the founders of Rome, Romululs and Remus.  At the close of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius declared Lupercalia unholy. He replaced it with Read More

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Valentines Day - Friday February 14th 2025

Valentine’s Day February 14th has cruel pagan origins associated with the Roman springtime fertility festival called Lupercalia, worshiping Faunus, the god of agriculture, but also the founders of Rome, Romululs and Remus.

 At the close of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius declared Lupercalia unholy. He replaced it with the 14th February St Valentine’s Day, honouring three Christian martyrs, named Valentine or Valentinus. Valentine of Rome was a third century priest, killed for secretly performing marriage ceremonies for Roman soldiers, Roman Emporer Claudius 11 excluded from marriage.

 Another Valentine was martyred for helping Christian prisoners escape. One prisoner is said to have invented the first valentine card just before his death, by sending his jailor’s daughter a love letter signed “from your Valentine.”

 It was the Victorians who began the tradition of not signing Valentine’s cards because they thought it unlucky. Valentine’s Day is associated with romance and love because birds start pairing off and looking for a mate. According to ornithomancy, divination by birds, you’ll marry into wealth if you see a goldfinch, and marry someone poor if you see a sparrow on Valentine’s Day. Seeing a flock of doves is an omen of a long and happy marriage.

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Happy Halloween 2024 https://www.gilliankemp.com/happy-halloween-2024/ Mon, 28 Oct 2024 01:26:06 +0000 https://www.gilliankemp.com/?p=2081 Happy Halloween 2024 Halloween 31 st October means “holy evening.” It is a magical time, associated with ghosts because the veil between the human and spirit world is most transparent. We can more easily contact spirits and they can visit us. On Halloween, it would be good to light a candle and send your best Read More

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Happy Halloween 2024

Halloween 31 st October means “holy evening.” It is a magical time, associated with ghosts because the veil between the human and spirit world is most transparent. We can more easily contact spirits and they can visit us. On Halloween, it would be good to light a candle and send your best wishes to loved ones in the spirit world. Don’t leave the candle burning if you are going out. In the Church November 1 st is All Saints Day when saints roam the earth.

If you want to meet a loved one who has passed on, say a silent prayer or speak aloud just before going to sleep: “Please can I meet (name of person) in my dreams tonight.” If it doesn’t happen on that night, don’t get despondent, keep asking each night. The meeting will be a real meeting and the person will look vibrant and full of good health. In the Celtic calendar, October 31 st is New Year’s Eve, winter begins on November 1 st and ends January 31 st Midwinter is 21 st December. So until 21 st December, we have seven dark weeks when daylight minutes decrease, before daylight minutes of light begin to increase.

Around Halloween and for a couple of weeks after, spirits may send you messages by what you see, hear, smell, taste or touch. So be receptive. You could ask for a sign. A message may speak to you through something you randomly overhear other people saying, by what you hear on the radio or tv or by words on a billboard, or in a book or magazine.

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The Good Dog Spell Book & The Good Cat Spell Book https://www.gilliankemp.com/the-good-dog-spell-book-the-good-cat-spell-book/ Sat, 26 Oct 2024 16:12:59 +0000 https://www.gilliankemp.com/?p=2075 The Good Dog Spell Book and The Good Cat Spell Book These two companion books are being published on 6th May 2025 by Crossed Crow Books.  The Good Dog Spell Book explains how historically the dog earned the name “man’s best friend.” Indoors and outdoors, together you and your dog can cast spells to initiate Read More

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The Good Dog Spell Book and The Good Cat Spell Book

These two companion books are being published on 6th May 2025 by Crossed Crow Books. 

The Good Dog Spell Book explains how historically the dog earned the name “man’s best friend.” Indoors and outdoors, together you and your dog can cast spells to initiate your dog as your best friend, and bring happiness, good luck, love, romance, wealth, health and healing for you and your dog. 

You can delve into your dog’s psyche according to their astrological birth sign and understand yourself better by knowing what your choice of dog breed or mongrel says about you. Plus there are tailor made spells linked to your dog’s astrological sign.

Apart from dog omens, superstitions and divination, there is a dog oracle too, for your dog to help predict the answer to questions.

The Good Cat Spell Book explains how historically cats have been worshiped by the ancients and feared as the witch’s familiar. Casting spells with your mystical cat, can bring you love and romance, happiness, good luck, wealth, health and healing, beneficial to you both. Your cat can teach you tell-tale signs of “felidomancy” – feline divination, omens, superstitions and predictions according to your cat’s behaviour.

Included are spells to bond you and your cat according to their astrological birth sign, what their astrological traits are and personalised collar colours and stones. 

Working as your “familiar” you and your cat can consult the cat oracle to divine the answer to questions.

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Spirits in Flowers Oracle Deck https://www.gilliankemp.com/elementor-2068/ Sat, 26 Oct 2024 16:07:57 +0000 https://www.gilliankemp.com/?p=2068 SPIRITS IN FLOWERS ORACLE DECK Spirits in Flowers Oracle Deck is being published in February 2025, by CICO in the UK and Ryland Peters and Small in the US.  There are 52 cards in the pack, each representing a different flower. Some flowers symbolize birthday months and wedding anniversaries. You can use the cards to Read More

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Spirits in Flowers Oracle Deck is being published in February 2025, by CICO in the UK and Ryland Peters and Small in the US. 

There are 52 cards in the pack, each representing a different flower. Some flowers symbolize birthday months and wedding anniversaries. You can use the cards to predict your own future, or a friend’s. The book also teaches “flowermancy” which is divination and personality analysis determined by holding a flower. You’ll also discover flower omens, superstitions and flower spells.

I hope you’ll be interested to learn which different deities govern individual flowers as well as the age-old silent form of communication between two people, practised in “language of flowers.”

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Halloween Horoscopes 2022 https://www.gilliankemp.com/halloween-horoscopes-2022/ Sun, 25 Sep 2022 22:37:55 +0000 https://www.gilliankemp.com/?p=1576 Hallow scream time has arrived when the veil between the human world and the spirit worlds is most transparent and closely linked. It’s time to light candles in memory of deceased loved ones, to ask for prophetic dreams, and to cast spells for what we’d like to have in our lives. I hope you have Read More

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Hallow scream time has arrived when the veil between the human world and the spirit worlds is most transparent and closely linked. It’s time to light candles in memory of deceased loved ones, to ask for prophetic dreams, and to cast spells for what we’d like to have in our lives. I hope you have a frightfully spooky, ghoulish Halloween.

Witching you love and very best witches, Gillian and my familiar, Lily dog who says forget the ghosts and beware of her.

March 21 – April 19

The celestial line up is turning you away from the fright turns to take the right turns surprising you with a happier emotional and domestic situation. It’s not just witchful thinking that your finances are healthier and will remain better balanced. You are more organized and easily able to maintain harmony.

April 20 – May 20

You are on a winning streak and can achieve miracles. A unique occurrence will not only cheer you up but be something of a revelation. An opportunity to get away from your usual environment and routine presents itself, if the broom fits fly it to soar to new heights of happiness.

May 21 – June 21

Mars retrograde that commenced in Gemini on 30th October and remains until 12th January 2023 enables you to excel through exhausting difficulties, chase your dreams and bring projects to fruition. You’ll feel more passive in personal predicaments with difficult people, when you only spook when spoken to.

June 22 – July 22nd

 A plan you have set your heart on is coming to fruition so do not entertain doubtful thoughts. You’ll receive unexpected opportunities to broaden your horizons by testing new ideas and linking to new contacts introduced to you by a friend. Life is becoming more enjoyable and calmer.

July 23 – August 22

Worry and hindrances are fading away elevating your mood and unleashing talents you perhaps didn’t know you possessed. If you are looking for new or improved employment you will get it. Good fortune is smiling on your career, home and love life. You are not batty to think you can have it all.

August 23 – September 22

Having recently paid attention to every miniscule detail in a legal or serious business matter, you won’t fall for tricks but will be treating yourself. Your ruling planet Mercury travels into Sagittarius on 4th November helping you to lighten up and ditch the baggage. Halloween augers better days ahead for you so enjoy eating, drinking and being scary.

September 23 – October 23

Decisions you make now need careful consideration. Your ruling planet Venus is bringing people from your past into your life making you remember the ghoul times. An old flame will give you a warm reception if you get in touch. If unattached now could be the time to meet that special love.

October 24 – November 21

Last week’s solar eclipse in Scorpio on 25th October brings renewed energy into your plans and dreams making it easy for you to commit to what needs to be done, providing you take time to park your broomstick and relax daily. Brighter prospects are within sight making you feel more strongly motivated.

November 22 – December 21

Close and intimate relationships are favourably starred. Now is the time to get out of a rut. Should financial interests have been tiresome of late, there’s a change bringing extra money to spend on enjoyment instead of necessities. You are right to focus on long term projects and remove yourself from low flying bats.

December 22 – January 19

Heart warming occurrences are about to appear so hang on to your witch’s hat that you wear so well. Relationships and romantic love soar to new heights. If you are looking for new romance, now is a lucky time. Journeys, interviews and important meetings will all go well. Good fortune has arrived.

January 20 – February 18

Go haunting, Halloween celebrations will go with a swing. Accept the unexpected because events are rapidly improving. Anxieties fade, what appeared impossible is definitely within your grasp. Ghosts have real spirit, ask deceased loved ones for what you want and you’ll discover your wishes will be granted.

February 19 – March 20

Jupiter entered Pisces on 28th October 2022 where it will remain until 20th December inspiring you with mysticism and kindness of spirit. You’ll re-evaluate relationships by seeing more intuitively than usual. Disputes will be resolved brining you peace, a better defined boundary and renewed confidence.

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The republication of Tree Magick is finally here https://www.gilliankemp.com/republication-of-tree-magick/ Sun, 30 Jan 2022 18:38:36 +0000 https://www.gilliankemp.com/?p=1411 I am excited to announce the republishing of this wonderful and fun box set. You may purchase it HERE.

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I am excited to announce the republishing of this wonderful and fun box set. You may purchase it HERE.

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Celtic Goddesses Oracle https://www.gilliankemp.com/celtic-goddesses-oracle/ Mon, 19 Jul 2021 00:25:26 +0000 https://www.gilliankemp.com/?p=1335 Celtic Goddesses Oracle A new and exciting project  for 2022! Celtic Goddesses hold treasured mysterious secrets that this powerful oracle of 52 goddesses, allows us to call into our world for inspirational divine intervention and guidance in situations we encounter on our path through life. Once legendary humans that some places in the British Isles Read More

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Celtic Goddesses Oracle

A new and exciting project  for 2022!

Celtic Goddesses hold treasured mysterious secrets that this powerful oracle of 52 goddesses, allows us to call into our world for inspirational divine intervention and guidance in situations we encounter on our path through life.

Once legendary humans that some places in the British Isles are named after, the goddesses ancient wisdom becomes our own, empowers us and awakens our intuition.

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Halloween Horoscopes 2021 https://www.gilliankemp.com/2021-halloween-horoscopes/ Sun, 01 Nov 2020 17:43:48 +0000 https://www.gilliankemp.com/?p=1269 Halloween Horoscopes Are Here! “Halloween 31st October is a spooky Full Blue Moon that only occurs every 19 years. The next Halloween Blue Moon will be in 2039. Halloween’s Full Moon, might not look blue but is called a Blue Moon because it is the second Full Moon in October, the first was on October Read More

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Halloween Horoscopes Are Here!

“Halloween 31st October is a spooky Full Blue Moon that only occurs every 19 years. The next Halloween Blue Moon will be in 2039. Halloween’s Full Moon, might not look blue but is called a Blue Moon because it is the second Full Moon in October, the first was on October 1st. The saying “Once in a Blue Moon,” means rare because two Full Moons in one month only occurs every two and a half to three years.

Halloween means Holy Eve when spirits roam the earth. Trick-or-Treating or not, don’t go batty, see what’s in store for you this once in a Blue Moon week, Saturday 31ST October to Friday 6th November 2020.”

read your horoscope HERE

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The Good Spell Book is available now in Germany and Portugal as well as in the UK and US https://www.gilliankemp.com/the-good-spell-book-is-now-available-in-germany-and-portugal/ Sun, 06 Oct 2019 20:47:51 +0000 https://www.gilliankemp.com/?p=740 Click on the links below for more information. MVGverlag – The German publisher’s website: https://www.m-vg.de/mvg/shop/article/16797-das-kleine-buch-der-magie/ Favor – The Portuguese publisher’s website: https://www.faroleditora.pt/livros/o-livro-dos-bons-feiticos

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Click on the links below for more information.

MVGverlag – The German publisher’s website: https://www.m-vg.de/mvg/shop/article/16797-das-kleine-buch-der-magie/

Favor – The Portuguese publisher’s website: https://www.faroleditora.pt/livros/o-livro-dos-bons-feiticos

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A republication of The Modern Wiccan Box of Spells is available now https://www.gilliankemp.com/modern-wiccan-box-of-spells-republication-announcement/ Mon, 26 Mar 2018 21:37:25 +0000 http://gilliankemp.com/?p=1 I am excited to announce the republishing of this wonderful and fun box set. You may purchase it HERE.

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I am excited to announce the republishing of this wonderful and fun box set. You may purchase it HERE.

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